Pimp your boilies times differently - with Belachan

That Belachan is a real fish magnet – not only for big carp – is no secret anymore! Many know this attractor as the so-called „Belachan block“ (fermented shrimp). We use this ingredient not only in our boilies, but also for the exterior treatment of our feed. How we use this ingredient, we show you in a small picture story

First we moisten the boilies with our Belachan Extract Liquid.

Subsequently, we shake the whole well, so that all boilies are evenly wetted with the liquid.

Now we powder the boilies soaked with Belachan Extract Liquid with the Belachan Extract Powder.

First we moisten the boilies with our Belachan Extract Liquid.

Subsequently, we shake the whole well, so that all boilies are evenly wetted with the liquid.

Also our teamer Daniel Lippl was able to catch this one – almost Zeiler – on a feeder with Belachan pimped Smoked Spice Boilies.

Have fun trying it out and good luck!

Philipp Resch & P.R. Baits & Rods Team