The Bloodworm Pimp

Welcome to a new edition of our Tips & Tricks. Today: The Bloodworm Range Today we want to show you with some tips & tricks how to upgrade boilies with our Bloodworm Range. Red midge larvae (lat. Chironomidae) are one of the main food sources when carp dig around in the mud. It is not for nothing that carp love to eat these little worms. This is exactly why we have our Red Bloodworm Boilie in our program, because on waters that are very muddy, this bait works great! From the first minute the boilie works in the water and its contained attractors are immediately flushed out to the water. Last but not least, the bait contains original Robin Red from Haiths. We are extra licensed with Haiths so our customers know you are getting the real thing! This ingredient was often copied and imitated, but it was never achieved…! To make our Red Bloodworm Boilies even more attractive, e.g. for quick instant sessions, we show you a few tips for pimping.

First we put about 5kg of boilies in a bucket, e.g. our P.R. Baits & Rods 12.5L boxes. Here you can see nicely the reddish color, which is created by the Robin Red. Our Bloodys, as we affectionately call them, stand out not only because of their 40% LT fish meal, but also because of another attractor. This attractor is N-butyric acid – also called butyric acid. This attractor contains a nitrogen compound that twitchfly larvae also excrete. The little red worms are often found in the mud. When fishing on muddy ground, often when cranking in the mount some of these little worms hang on the lead. Pay attention – that’s how you know the rod was just right…!

Next, our tinned sugar midge larvae come into play – our Red Bloodworms. These little worms are ideal to enhance stick mixes, particles or as here – the boilies you use for feeding and fishing and give you the final touch. Also, our red worms are suitable for direct fishing on the hook. Here it is recommended to loop the Bloodys into nets, e.g. ArmaMesh – these can then be fished easily on the hair and various bait presentations can be offered under water.

Next, shake the bucket well to distribute the little red worms. You can see here after shaking the bucket nicely that theRedBloodworms have distributed nicely and laid as a layer around the boilie.

Finally to the procedure we add some of our Bloodworm Extract Liquid. This liquid contains a liquid attractors that are proven to be very responsive to large carp. This is topped off with whole and chopped red sugar midge larvae. Here you should tip some of the liquid over the boilies by feel. After that, the entire contents of the bucket is shaken well again. Now a light, liquid and sticky layer has settled on the outer skin of the boilies.

Now the boilies are already ready for use….

Finally, we recommend you let it dry for a few hours! Thus, the liquid is nicely absorbed into the outer skin of the boilies and then gradually releases its attractiveness in the water. In addition, drying the boilies has another advantage. On waters where you can not feed with the boat, it helps only with the throwing tube to bring the boilies at a distance. This would only be possible to a limited extent with the freshly wetted boilies. So in the end all attractors stick to the dry boilies and they are perfect for feeding with the casting tube.

Under water, the dried worms then gradually detach from the boilies and traps. This creates a small carpet of boilies and red twitch midge larvae. Here definitely no carp can resist…! During a „quick“ night instant on the river I was able to catch this well-fed spiegler with pimped Bloodworm boilies. The boilies seemed to have tasted very well to him, because the mat was full of red legacies after the photos… We wish you now a lot of fun pimping your boilies and beautiful catches! Your Philipp Resch Team P.R. Baits